

Aloita Golf

Our restaurant and services

Our club house restaurant serves both players and non-players in a magnificent river and course view.

The restaurant is located in our clubhouse in the Sankivaara Golf Course, surrounded by beautiful nature. The terrace has a good view of the golf course with the River Sanki gliding below. We serve all customers and are not just exclusive to golf club members.

Our service concept includes all kinds of snacks, not forgetting fresh lunches and post-round refreshments.

We serve a delicious home-cooked lunch every day, and our grill offers options such as burgers, wings and salad dishes to enjoy on the spot or to take away.

Our clubhouse is also home to our renovated saunas (men's and women's), which are available to our players on a daily basis. Towels can also be found in the sauna. From clubhouse you will find locker rooms and toilets, too.

Golf Shop

Santikka Golf Shop serves customers on summer season with a professional touch in the next to driving range.

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Practice areas and training with Pro

Oulu Golf offers a wide range of training opportunities.
Sankivaara has a high-quality range with two hitting areas, 3 practice greens and an Audi e-tron Par 3 course open to all.

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